Friday, February 14, 2020

Revisiting the role of miscue analysis in effective teaching Article

Revisiting the role of miscue analysis in effective teaching - Article Example Goodman initially came up with a Taxonomy which featured 28 various kinds of miscues (Goodman, 1969). Developed originally for research reasons, its unwieldiness plus a need to enlarge its utilization inspired Carolyn Burke, Yetta Goodman in 1972 to establish a smaller edition made up of 9 questions to be queried about every miscue-which was a straightforward system that they reasoned would become a more manageable and helpful tool especially for teachers and clinics in the school system. Thus the authors were not so much interested in conventional quantitative measures like reading rate or reading accuracy and figured out that their qualitative method gave more fine-grained and appropriate information as compared to other methods of reading assessment. This therefore implies that using Reading Miscue Inventory (RMI)a learner’s incorrect answer ,in comparison to the printed word, may portray a variation in dialect, a shift in intonation, sound similarity, graphic similarity, syntactic acceptability, grammatical similarity, semantic acceptability, self-correction having semant ic acceptability and meaning change. It is clear that McKenna and her colleagues do not understand much about the analysis of miscue. Analysis of miscue continues to be accepted by teachers since it assists them comprehend how their students make sense of the written word. It is widely used in programs for educating teachers as a way of making teachers revalue the process of reading. Miscue also continues to be utilized in research since it gives a depth profile of the process of reading in use. There is no single publication of critique analysis which has proved its invalidity. McKenna and Picard and her colleagues only cite one unfunded study carried out by Goodman over 4 decades ago, which was at the very start of examination of oral

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Expansion by Foreign Direct Investment in European Countries Dissertation - 2

Expansion by Foreign Direct Investment in European Countries - Dissertation Example The establishing of the transition state and their re-entry into the international market saw a phenomenal drive for privatization which necessarily required capital investments together with business and management assistance each of which are specifically FDI oriented.   Moreover, these transition states not only provide a stable supply of low labor costs they are both geographically and politically close to Western Europe.   Certainly, these factors ought to be appealing to FDIs.   Even so, the international expansion of Europe by FDIs has not developed as expected.   With the expectation that a number of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries will eventually become members of the European Union, several questions relative to the impacts of international expansion in Europe arise.   The first question is whether or not this prospect will contribute to European internationalization via FDI.   This paper investigates this question since Europe represents a unique conglomeration of developed and developing countries, an essential feature of the internationalization.   The main objective is to ensure that developing countries share in international capital flows.   Another relevant question for investigation is whether or not FDIs will introduce the skill and capital necessary for modernizing CEEs in Europe or will it encourage monopolies and rent-seeking practices.   If the FDI can be beneficial in terms of internationalization in Europe, what factors are essentially fueling its development and growth and what can European countries do to make the FDI more appealing? Ideally, the impact of internationalization by FDI in Europe should be the supply of cheap labor with a reciprocal infusion of capital for the funding of privatization and industrialization.   In this regard, Western European and other foreign companies would assist in the transitioning of these socialist states to open-market economies by not only providing investment capital, but by virtue of technology and management transfers.   This is the intended consequence of economic integration under the auspices of internationalization.   More importantly, this is the way forward if Europe intends to achieve its goal of becoming a global economy.